Take control of your credit card debt.
Credit Card Coach is a free service that monitors your credit card providers to protect you from interest charges and unnecessary fees.
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Works with all major card providers.
Credit Card Coach provides free, personalized guidance because everyone deserves support.
We know that 45% of families in the U.S. carry thousands of dollars of credit card debt from month to month.
We also know that it can be tough to ask for help when you need it.
Credit Card Coach was built to provide free help for anyone in need.
How it Works
Sign up.
It takes less than 5 minutes, and is always free.
Won't affect your credit score.
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We monitor your cards for you.
We privately and securely look for opportunities to save you money on your credit card bills.
Get a personalized plan.
You get personalized guidance and a plan to pay off your debt in a way that makes sense for you.
Your personalized get-out-of-debt plan.
There are many ways to save. Credit Card Coach identifies what's best for you, creates an easy-to-follow plan, and keeps you on track.
Get a realistic plan.
Your plan is based on what you can afford each month, and we help you stick to it.
Stop recurring charges.
We'll find all your recurring subscriptions, and help you cancel any you didn't know about or no longer want.
Pay strategically.
We'll provide guidance on which cards you should focus on paying off first.
Lower your interest rate.
We let you know if there are fixed payment plans to lower your interest rate and get out of debt faster.
Do what the experts do.
Get quick, easy actions from financial experts that improve your credit score.
Get ongoing guidance.
We know that things change. We update your plan to make adjustments so that you stay on track no matter what.
Everyone benefits from a Credit Card Coach.
Credit Card Coach is just perfect for me. I'm working on my credit score, and it has every feature I need.
Mary M.
I am constantly looking up information for my credit cards separately, and I love having it available in one place at a quick glance.
Lisa G.
The card utilization feature is my favorite because it helps remind me to keep my credit card spending under control.
Darian O.
Your privacy is our priority.
Credit Card Coach:
Protects your credit:
We're here to help, not hurt. Credit Card Coach won't show up as an inquiry on your credit report.
Protects your data:
Your data is securely transmitted using SSL encryption and 256-bit encryption.
Protects your privacy:
We will never share your information with third parties.
Transparency is our commitment.
Why Credit Card Coach is free for consumers.
It’s our mission to help people with their credit card debt, but our business model is selling our product as a white-label solution to banks and credit unions.
You may see Credit Card Coach as an offering at your financial institution one day.
In the meantime, we ask that that our users be open to giving us feedback on the product. Providing our solution for free helps us understand how to make our product as meaningful and helpful as possible, for you, and our clients.
Ready to ditch credit card debt and improve your financial health? Get started with Credit Card Coach.